It makes me sick...
bleah de bleah de bleah de bleah. I threw up the other day….first time in a while…I don’t normally throw up. Even when I’m sick, I usually only feel like I’m going to throw up, but rarely ever do. But I did the other day…not even sure why. I must have eaten something bad, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what. I felt much better after puking though…that’s how it usually is…but then I felt sick later and had to throw up AGAIN. Then I felt better, although shaky. That’s how it goes, when you take something bad in you have to get rid of it. And usually all the good stuff that came with the bad has to go too. One would hope that our spirit’s poison prevention mechanisms are more sophisticated and able to discern and separate, so that we may keep whatever good things we have learned and grown from, while still getting rid of the bad….but I’m not so sure.