My Life is a Big Cosmic Joke

I've spent 26 years trying to figure out why my life is the way it is...why crazy things happen to me, and why I feel like I'm on the Truman show...and I finally figured it out...hence the title of my blog.

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Sunday, July 11, 2004

When did we stop dancing?

Friday night I went to the Irish dancing at Lincoln Center's Midsummer Night Swing. It was, as usual, awesome. At one point during the evening my partner left the floor to get some water, and I stayed on, watching my other two friends and the rest of the people dance. The band had taken a break from the reels and jigs to play a simple waltz and the Irish Sets broke up into pairs of people doing their own little thing. I stood, by myself, watching all the happy couples. Friends, lovers, husbands and wives, sisters, parents, and children. All of them dancing together. I saw a man with a blue mohawk waltzing with an average looking woman. There were barefoot teenagers and foreign grandfathers. I looked around at everyone and it occurred to me that no matter who these people were, where they came from or where they were going, they all were there to have a little fun, dance and celebrate life, for just a few hours on a Friday night, to laugh and be outdoors and not be bogged down by the oppressivness that life too often becomes. It reminded me of tribal times, when all people had to do was find food and shelter to survive, and live their lives. When did we forget that life is meant to live, to enjoy? When did we stop dancing?

At one point, my dear friend 'Arthorus' pulled me in to make a trio with him and another friend of ours, but I pulled back and let them dance normally, without me. The other friend turned to me and said "You look so lonely!" To which I replied: "How could I be lonely?"

I've learned something recently about life and love. I am not alone. I have so many dear friends who are all soulmates to me. It is them I turn to, them I need. I truly can never be lonely again, because I've acknowledged the love I have for them, and the bond we share, and that is something that will never die.

The next night a friend of mine got tickets for De La Guarda. It was FANTASTIC!! In this too, at one point, there was dancing...and it was very real and very alive. Everyone should go see this show, it was very powerful. At least, IMHO. My friend did not get as much out of it as I did. But if you are passionate, if you like drums, if you like thunderstorms...then you'll like De La Guarda.

Dancing always makes me feel alive. It inspires me. I think everyone should dance more, I think if we did, there would be less wars.


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