My Life is a Big Cosmic Joke

I've spent 26 years trying to figure out why my life is the way it is...why crazy things happen to me, and why I feel like I'm on the Truman show...and I finally figured it out...hence the title of my blog.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Oh what a tangled web...

Today was a good day. Soon after it began I found myself sitting in Hella traffic on the way to the Whitestone bridge...don't know why, it just seemed like everyone suddenly had a great desire to go to Westchester. I was in the left of two lanes crawling along towards the bridge and I noticed in front of me, a merging car far off to the right motioning to the guy in the SUV next to her, pointing to the lane WAY over on the left. He in turn, opened his window (probably disturbing his Air conditioned haven) to motion to the car next to him that this other lady wanted to get over. Then he backed up his truck to let her through, and the little 4-door snuck through onto it's desired path.

Then the guy shared some words, maybe a joke with the folks in the next car, and they seemed to be enjoying a moment. I sat behind them, enjoying their moment as well, and thought to myself how considerate people can be when they choose to be, even Traffic-Trapped, Sweltering-in-the-Summer-Heat New Yorkers.


However, not so sure if that's on option for certain postal I encountered a very angry PO (that's post office AND pissed off) manager in New Rochelle. I had to mail some father's day cards...{more on that later} and the line was too long, so I decided to use the machine to get stamps...BAD idea. The machine SHOULD have had an "out-of-order" sign, but it simply told me that it wanted exact change...which I tried to provide it with. However, after happily excepting my dollar bill, it just kept spitting out the coins I offered right back at me. After a few minutes of cajoling, I gave up and hunted down the manager who was apparently stressed. To make a long story short, I got two stamps out of the machine, but it still had 26 cents of my money...the manager came to take out the money for me, but when I explained to him that I only needed 2 more stamps he became very angry and hostile yelling about how he couldn't help me when there was all these other people on line. Never mind the fact that if I had gotten on the dumb line in the first place instead of trying to save everyone some time, I would have had my stamps already and been outta there...he did not care...not one bit. In my own frustration and anger I left in a huff, found a copy shop that sold me stamps with a 8-cent surcharge and got to mail all my cards afterall.

It made me sad that this man was so angry and unreasonable...I mean really, would any of those people been upset if he sold me two stamps? I didn't think of it till after I left, but I should of just turned to them all and asked outright...I wonder what would have happened...
|||**Question to readers: Would you have been annoyed if the manager allowed me to "cut" to buy two stamps??**||| Your input would be greatly appreciated :)

I've been reading some blogs...and I find it oddly exciting, a bit comforting, but a bit eerie that there seem to be many bloggers out there whose thoughts and days reflect my own experiences...I wonder what this means.


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