My Life is a Big Cosmic Joke

I've spent 26 years trying to figure out why my life is the way it is...why crazy things happen to me, and why I feel like I'm on the Truman show...and I finally figured it out...hence the title of my blog.

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Thursday, June 17, 2004

Blue Garters

A friend of mine is getting married on Saturday and I'm her maid-of-honor. We've been trying to figure out how we can get her to fill all the "something old, something new..." requirements, and I suggested a blue garter. She didn't have enough time to order one, so after talking with her today I decided to make one...I hard could it be really?
Well...maybe not so bad if I already knew how to thread a sewing machine...not to mention sew with one. But I didn't know these things. My mother bought me a cute, tiny little sewing machine a year ago, and I never even took it out of the box until today. Today...7pm..the night before the wedding festivities begin, in a desperate attempt to sew blue ribbon onto white lace. After a half hour I learned how to thread it, and figured it would all be downhill from there...but no. There are apparently many things involved such as thread tension and timing...and frankly..I'm not cut out for that sort of thing. After another hour of honest trying I gave up. I may still try to hand sew SOMETHING she can wear...but since it's after midnight already...maybe not.

I got an email from a fellow writer friend today...I think I'm beginning to see something I think the universe has been trying to tell me for months least. I'm not as alone in this world as I thought I was. It seems there is a fellowship, although it's members may yet be mostly unknown to each other...but I'm starting to honestly believe there are a great many of us who think very much the same...and THAT is a very encouraging thought.


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